Take Action: Sign on to a 2040 Vision for Twinbrook

What Will Twinbrook Look Like in 2040 and Beyond?

Our elected officials here in Rockville are reviewing the Twinbrook portion of the draft comprehensive master plan. This document provides guidelines for what is possible in our community going forward into the future. It isn't the final say but the beginning of the vision of what we want our neighborhood to be.

Add Your Name to Our Twinbrook 2040 Sign-On Letter Here

TCA has drafted a sign-on letter to send to the Mayor and Council in advance of the hearing on Twinbrook in 2040. We would love to have as many neighbors and residents sign on as possible! The letter, which you can read here, sends the message that we support an expansive and welcoming future for our community.

If you agree with this letter, please take a moment to sign on and forward this email to your neighbors and friends in the neighborhood.

If you have any questions, you can contact me by replying to this email, or drop me a line at twinbrook.president@gmail.com. Thank you so much for taking action with us!